This installment is longer, and starts as more of a short film than the previous years. Similar to the others, it is chock full of Holiday movie references and also connects in many ways to the videos that precede it. With the extra 11 months to work through the 17+ hours of total footage, we had more time (early on) to dig deeper into the footage than we ever have before. This did leave us with more on the cutting room floor in the end. So hopefully I can find a way to release some of the lost gems at some point!?!
It was a gargantuan amount of work throughout the year and still somehow came right down to the wire. The last piece of ADR was recorded on 12/14, and the cut was locked and uploaded just hours before we hopped onto a plane in the early AM on 12/17. For the last week we were working alongside a pair of sick kids, which eventually sickened us as well. This made for quite the expanded journey into delirium and madness while working through the projects final days of post in sickness. Somehow we made it through and now, we bring you THAT LAST CHRISTMAS.
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